So, How Many Chins Does a Rabbit Have?

Tigger chinning one of her toys

My toys must have my scent!

The title is a bit of a trick question.  As a noun, a rabbit has one chin.  Turn chin into a verb by saying a rabbit chins things and a rabbit has as many chins as they want to have.

Tigger was religious about chinning things.  She would make the rounds on a regular basis chinning everything in her cage and her play area.  I knew that rabbits had a scent gland in their chin and liked to claim things by chinning them, but I had never seen any other rabbit be quite so territorial as Tigger.  Tigger was always on the move and as she moved she would chin things.  It was almost as if you could see the little bunny mind thinking, “This is mine, this is mine and this is mine too.”   Everything was regularly and thoroughly claimed by Tigger.
It was hard to pet Tigger because she was so much on the move.  After she would hop into her cage to get her bedtime treats, she knew it was settle down time.  It was one time we could usually open up the cage door and be able to pet her (blocking it with our bodies though against potential escapes).  There was a ritual first that had to be observed before we could actually pet her.  Tigger would sniff the hand reaching in.  Then she would chin the hand.  Only then would she lay down and put her head down in position to allow the human hand to pet her.
The rituals that were so much a part of Tigger are what had us calling her Princess very early on.  She wasn’t ever ready for interaction with any living being until she had observed her rituals first.  You had to know how you had to present yourself to Tigger or she would be hopping away in a huff.  The little nose would go up in the air, the back would turn and then off she would hop, sometimes with a thump.
Anyone else have a rabbit with an abundant number of chins?

Follow Friday – Run Rabbit Video

Okay, been quiet too long with blogging. I am here today to share a super cute bunny rabbit video.  It is five minutes long, but you have to stay to the end to see how this bunny really herds these sheep.

Here is the link just in case the video isn’t working here:

Monday, I will explain the quiet time here.

We’re Still in the UK and …

Hillbilly Internet Headquarters

Hillbilly Internet Headquarters

Okay, I woke up groggy once again this morning with my now usual Benadryl hangover and we are still in the  UK according to Etsy. I tried to get on with the business of the day which included lots of work on a website due to go live tomorrow.  I was working furiously to get some of the final edits in place and upload the site to the internet.

Right in the middle of the upload, my cable internet service goes out, again.  I have lost count of the thousands of times we have lost the internet service over the years we have been with the only business level provider to our area. 

I picture the company as having a headquarters like the picture here.  Everything about the service seems to be holding together just about as well as this ramshackle shack which is just barely.

Sigh …  At least Shadow has come off his Baytril and is bouncing around and has regained a lot of appetite.  He seems to be healthier than he has been in months and wants to get into all kinds of things and places.  Tigger is still a concern.  Her appetite fluctuates widely day-to-day.  She regularly has gas issues, no mistaking that skunky smell.  She is on again off again for pain and gas meds and feedings of Critical Care based on her activity, eating and comfort level.

I am hoping tomorrow will be a little less crazy than so many days have been this month.

Photo Share – Bunny Brunch

Tigger and Shadow enjoy brunch
I took this photo of Tigger and Shadow earlier today.  They were enjoying a bunny brunch of some parsley and carrots.  Shadow is showing part of the personality that earned him the name Shadow.  Tigger is showing just how scruffy a pretty bunny can be when she decides to seriously shed some fur.  Shadow seems to be recovering nicely from Snuffles, but Tigger is only slightly improved on her tummy and appetite issues.  She will eat her greens, but isn’t really eating her hay as she should.

Treasury Thursday – 72 Hours Mystery

Click on image to go to treasury and view items

This treasury is part of a Nonteam Challenge that runs each week from noon on Thursday until noon on Sunday.  Everyone creating a treasury must build it around one challenge item.  This week it is The Reading Tree by Emerald Town Raven photo in the top.

Looking at Emerald Town Raven’s shop, I saw some beautiful photos of cats.  I was thinking about the length of time for the challenge, 72 hours.  The idea of cats, the mystery of them and 72 hours combined together into a who done it mystery show feel for me and I went looking for items that would go along with that.

I loved using the muscadine grape-vine chews from Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue.  It looked like a group of potential evidence with its “B” crime scene label marker in place.  All in all, this was a lot of fun to create.

Hitting the Wall

Human asleep at deskThis has been a rough month and it is only at the half way point. Tigger and Shadow are both being medicated for different problems.  Tropical depression Lee came through on Labor Day with multiple tornado warnings.  We lost internet for a chunk of time after that which backed my work load up since I run internet based businesses and do web design / development.

The Etsy Rabbits team is putting a push on creating treasuries with team members / rabbit themes to get the word out about International Rabbit Day. I thought I at least had that one down as Saturday the 24th, but Etsy posted it as the 25th.  In doing research, it appears that groups pick the 4th Saturday or Sunday of the month. So now there are lots of treasuries planned leading up to and through both days of the now International Rabbit Day Weekend event. 

Then business taxes that were extended are now due. Blaine and I both have large work projects going and are operating on very little sleep.  Add in the fact it is fall allergy season here and we are coughing, sneezing, and wheezing.  What does a good nights sleep feel like?  I am not sure anymore.

So I am almost hitting the wall.  I say almost, because I am so tired I am not sure there is a wall anymore and I don’t have the energy to try to find it to hit it.

Banana Bad

stinky banana and boy

Replace the boy in this photo with a bunny but keep the facial expression and you have the reaction our bunnies are giving us

Well, the bunnies are really opposed to Baytril that was started just before Labor Day when Shadow developed Snuffles.  I am not sure if it is the medicine or what has been used to flavor the medicine, since it has a really strong flavor aroma.  We tried to mash the medicine up with some banana since someone elses bunnies will take it that way. It was a wonderful suggestion, however …

Tigger voted paws down on Baytril banana mash.  We tried it first with her.  She ran up to sniff the bowl.  Then she ran right back to hide in her litter pan at the very back of her cage.  Shadow seconded her vote and turned nose up and turned his head away from the bowl when it was offered to him. 

So we went back to syringing it by mouth.   They fought having to have it.  Medicating them is a two person job.  One person has to be the bunny holder while the second syringes the meds into the side of the mouth and rub cheeks and throat to get them to swallow it instead of drooling it back out. 

Then a few days into it, Tigger decided to go back into a stasis situation.  So Tigger came off the Baytril and is back on the regimen for  pain meds, gas meds, Critical Care feedings, probiotics, extra syringed water, tummy rubs and humans following her with food begging her to eat.  She is now beginning to bounce back.

Shadow is still getting the Baytril and has stopped sneezing and is getting a good appetite back.  We only hope that with Tigger off the Baytril that she isn’t carrying the infection.  We hope she won’t reinfect Shadow once he finishes his course of treatment this weekend. 

Fingers crossed.  It is so hard with 10-year-old rabbits to balance what is best for them at this point because they are beginning to have multiple health issues.

I Wish I Had A Picture …

Tigger back side

We couldn't get a picture of THAT face, but expect to be seeing this view a LOT

So Friday, Shadow started showing a move from allergies into Snuffles issues.  Tigger is currently symptom free.  However, when Shadow saw the vet yesterday, it was discussed whether Tigger should be treated too.  In the past if one got sick with something like this, even if the other started out symptom free, they would pass it back and forth until both had been put on antibiotics to clear them both up.  So Shadow and Tigger are both being treated from the start this time.

I am guessing that the medication prescribed has a really nasty taste or that the flavoring I smell is not anywhere on their tasty list.  That is because in more than ten years with Tigger, I have never seen quite the face or way she looked at me after we gave it to her.  It was the most disgusted peeved aggrieved look.  She didn’t even get all of it either, she was drooling a bit out as we tried to syringe it in.  When I put her down, she hopped around the room and thumped at least five times.  And we have twice a day, times two bunnies, for two weeks to look forward to.  Sigh …

There will be a pretty Etsy treasury coming later this afternoon.

Commence Thumping …

Tigger is a very pawsitive bunny.  She punctuates with her paws.  She arrives in a room, thump.  She arrives on a floor of the house, thump.  She is about to hop underneath the dust ruffle on the guest bed, thump.  She isn’t happy to be picked up. So, when you put her down, thump.  You scared her with that noise / movement / whatever … thump.

The pathway of her life echoes with all the little thumps along the way.  You can tell where Tigger is on and off throughout the day as she announces herself on her journeys around the house with thumps.

Tigger is a very bossy bunny.  I had always read that bunnies use thumps as danger signals to other bunnies.  That has always made me wonder if her little thumps really are a danger signal to the other bunnies in the house, Shadow and for a while Portia.  Is it her way of playing tough bunny and saying, “You better stay out of my way!”  Or is it the way of HRH Princess bunny to announce herself as she enters, “You better pay attention HRH Tigger is in the room!” or “How dare you pick up HRH Tigger.”

There was one really bad thumping occasion.  We have a lot of storms here that cause power surges and everything electrical surges off and then on again.  One of those times, the security system for the house was set off by the surge which then fried the electronics in the on position.  There was an awesome thunderstorm with lightning going on outside, the security alarm was going off inside and Tigger took off under the guest bed and was thumping off the bunny alarm.  For a full half hour the storm raged, the alarm blared and Tigger thumped while I was trying over the phone to hear enough of what the security company was saying to be able to find out how to shut the system down until it could be fixed.

This evening, all is quiet.  The bunnies have been running around all day and are now settled in and bedded down for the night.  So will it be a quiet night?  It depends.  If something in her cage isn’t to her liking, Tigger has another way of thumping at night for emphasis.  She picks up a corner of her litter box with her teeth and drops it, repeatedly.

So at night if she isn’t happy, her thumps become whumps.  You can hear them up a flight of stairs through closed doors.   So just for you Tigger baby, how about a variation of the Hokey-Pokey called the Thumpy-Bunny …

You put your right paw in,  
You put your right paw out;
You put your right paw in,
And you thump it all about.
You do the Thumpy-Bunny,
And you hop yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!

Continue on for more verses switching out right paw with left paw, right side, left side, backside, and whole self. 

Good night sweet thumpy bunny, a quiet night pretty please …

Sassy Rabbit Supervisor Still Hard at Work

sassy concrete rabbit garden stateu

Our sassy garden rabbit supervisor is still minding the plants needing to be potted.  I can just imagine what she is thinking:  ” I’ve been minding these plants for 24 hours now.  You wanted the Purslane to show blooms, now you got blooms!  Get these poor plants into the pot.  Its hot out here and they need to get a good drink and get some rest.” 

Our concrete cottontail will just have to wait a bit longer.  Only the black thumb is home right now*.   The green thumb is off at his day job. 

* It is sad but true that Blaine took immediate custody of all my house plants when we got engaged, to save their lives.  I’m good with rabbits, awful with plants.

Sassy Rabbit Supervisor

Sassy concrete cottontail

Everything is a bit hot dry and parched here in Georgia right now. So we hit some garden centers this weekend and picked up some succulent style flowering plants.   They hold more water in their leaves to survive and thrive in low rain conditions.

These will make a pretty planter for our back patio. Our sassy concrete cottontail supervisor was on hand to check all the supplies out as they arrived. Unfortunately for the picture, the coral Purslane’s proved bashful and closed their beautiful blooms before I could snap a group shot.