Tigger Toys … aka Baseball Bunny Rabbit

Tigger with lots of toy choices

So many toys, what to choose ...

So what on earth do I mean by calling Tigger a baseball bunny?  Well, she liked to pitch and she liked to bat.  In the picture above, you can see she had lots of different chew toys to choose from and she did like all of them.  But her absolute favorite things to play with were the ones she could throw.  Tigger liked to pitch things.  It really was not so safe to be too close to Tigger if she decided to play, because she could really throw.

Tigger getting ready ...

Tigger getting ready ...

Tigger in action with her throw!

Tigger in action with her throw!

I took the first picture here as she approached her toys and was taken completely by surprise when she picked up her Bounce Back Bunny treat holder, whirled around and heaved it at me like a bunny shot put champion.  Fortunately, I wasn’t hit.  I was amazed she could pick it up and throw it.  The toy had a weighted base to help it bounce back up as a rabbit would try to pull a treat out of the slots in the body.  The size of it was easily equal to the size of her head.  This was the first time she tossed it and I was lucky enough to catch it on camera. Through out her life, she loved to pick up and throw that bunny and any other cat style throw toys we gave her.  We would hear bells ring and knew she was pitching, but when the bell sound was followed by a thump, we knew she was shot putting the Bounce Back Bunny.

Tigger loved to pick up empty paper towel holders and swat things with them.  I discovered how actively she would put that to use in one vet visit.  I took her in and put a paper towel holder in the carrier with her to keep her occupied while we were waiting.  She wasn’t happy about being in the carrier and at the vets, so she picked up the paper towel holder and starting smacking it around and hitting all the sides of her carrier.  We were in an exam room at the end of the hall with the door closed, but she was making such a racket that the vet techs kept coming in every few minutes to make sure everything was okay.  Uh, yeah, just my little rabbit batter doing her practice training and taking a physical means of stress relief.

Her love of throwing things extended also to sometimes tossing the plastic salad plates of greens that we would put down on the floor and flipping over large round bowls of hay.  She had a middle of the night habit sometimes of picking up the corner of her litter box with her teeth and dropping it, repeatedly.  Even up a flight of stairs, behind a closed bedroom door, we would hear thump, whump, thump … pause … repeat …  Sometimes I would get up to go see what she wanted.  Tigger would be sitting at ease in her cage looking at me with that questioning look on her face, “Hey, what are you doing up?”

On Wednesday, Tigger the mini race horse …

6 thoughts on “Tigger Toys … aka Baseball Bunny Rabbit

  1. The image of Tigger shot putting her toys really cracked me up. And her wondering why you had gotten up in the middle of night was entertaining. I don’t suppose you ever caught video of the throwing?

    • I wish we had gotten video of it. The rabbits kept us hopping. We never really got a good chance to ever get the video camera working to catch their stunts. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to catch this one great shot to prove she was actually doing it.

  2. My Orla bunny does that litter tray thing too, although it usually means she wants food, and she has a two level cage and loves nothing more then pulling down the ramp and shoving it around despite the fact its 3 times her size and weight!

    • Rabbits are just amazing little beings in what they will do in spite of their small size. Your Orla sounds like an active cutie!

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