And Then There Was the Plan …

Laptop User Celebrating

Tomorrow - the theme is red!

There are so many parts of Rabbittude now!  The bunnies have just gotten in to everything.  Here is the plan for the blog: 

Mon-Thur: Posts about living with house rabbits or what Rabbittude is up to. I plan to blog twice a day through Labor Day and then daily the rest of the year. *CliffsNotes: Our website is currently outdated, we know. An overhaul is in the planning stages to update and integrate it with the blog. When that happens, the blog address should remain the same:

Fri: A la Twitter, I will have Follow Friday recommendations.  Many will be rabbit related, but I do actually sneak off from the rabbits from time to time.  So there will be other things I find really appealing.  In addition to bunnies I love humor, nature, photography, jewelry, sewing, crafts and things with Asian flair. 

Sat: Saturdays for me are a day to wrap up and look ahead.  I might have bunny stories or instead will share things I found helpful to me during the week.  In a tough economy, I like to share where I can to help others out.  Expect some sneak peaks of whats ahead.

Sun: You can expect on Sundays to see my two favorite photographic subjects, rabbits and nature. WordPress has been posting weekly Photo Challenge ideas.  I’m pulling from my photo archives now for some of those themes.  Summer’s approach is making me think of ways to combine photography with having fun. 

Rabbits are ziggety zaggety little beings who hop where current conditions dictate.  I hope you will enjoy following the Rabbittude blog.  However, if I am not enjoying the plan or I see readers are not,  it will be a rabbit style plan and adjust course as needed.  Comments on what you like or don’t are welcome.

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