Ballerina in Jammies

Tigger groomingTigger showing off the bunny onesie jammie legs.When Tigger would sit up on her hind legs to clean herself or roll over on her side or back, it really showed off the white and black coloring of her underside. The way the fur was colored and separated by her hind legs always looked like she had on a bunny rabbit version of baby onesie jammies.

Tigger was so very particular and precise in her movements, it was like watching a ballerina moving from ballet pose to pose. So it was especially cute to always see what looked like an infant bodysuit on a little rabbit ballerina.  It was fun to watch her meticulously clean herself head to toe to tail and move from one ballet like pose to another with such grace and such cuteness.

Stretch and hold that pose Tigger ...

Stretch and hold that pose Tigger ...

With Tigger, there were just so many sides to her with both her coloring and fur and her personality. I think that is what was so engaging about her.  Everyone who met Tigger just had to fuss over her.  It was a blessing and a curse for our little baby girl.  She just loved being fussed over verbally, but like many small children, she would have preferred not to get those hugs!

Next week will wrap up the stories that are all about Tigger.  Stories of Shadow begin July 1st.  For a full final celebration of Tigger, there will be a story each day Monday through Thursday.  On Friday I will post a gallery of images of Tigger.  Stories of Tigger as she was with Shadow will be coming in September.

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