Bun Appetit to All!

Bun Appetit Pet BowlToday is a day set aside in the US for giving thanks. Many have the day or a long weekend off to be able to spend with friends and family. I am so thankful to be celebrating 24 wonderful years of marriage this week and to have a happy healthy bunny rabbit friend in Leo for this past two years. I’ve been quiet here on Rabbittude because we have been working through some business challenges and juggling some illness and injuries. When things get a bit too much, I get quiet and just try to work through everything to the best of my ability.

I hope for those who are traveling this weekend that you will have a safe journey and be able to spend some wonderful quality time with loved ones. Food is very much on the minds of many and in the works, so Bun Appetit to all from Rabbittude. Leo received some goodies from a friend and is enjoying his first taste of cranberries. I have no picture to share of that because Leo will sometimes approach new things with secrecy. He is eating the cranberry treats when we aren’t watching him. They say a watched pot doesn’t boil, well a watched Leo doesn’t like to show that he might be liking new things, fussy bunny.

If you are shopping this weekend and want to check out some things with a bunny twist, we have some coupon discounts in our Buntique shop through December 2nd:

THANKSUS – Free Shipping to US addresses – minimum order $25
THANKS25 – $2.50 off – minimum order $25
THANKS50 – 25% off – minimum order $50

Wherever you are this weekend and whatever your plans, I wish you safe travels and lovely times! If bunnies are there too, give them some head pets from us!


2 thoughts on “Bun Appetit to All!

  1. Leo is thinking that cranberries are a way to trap a bunny, and if he is seen eating the cranberry, then the person who laid the trap will scoop him up and smother him with kisses. And that must be avoided at all cost! LOL! I’m glad he is enjoying them =) Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Anniversary too!

    • Well Leo has gotten to the point he loves the bunny biscuits we have for him so much, he will go running in to his cage to wait to get them even though he knows that means he will be locked up for the night. He did take cranberries out of our hands today. He got double treated. LOL, I didn’t realize Blaine had already given him some too.

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