Fur Therapy

Pet the Bunny
Ahhhhh Yes!

Tigger just presented herself to me to be petted.  For Tigger that means she hops up to where I am and gets my attention.  If I am sitting somewhere reading, she will rise up on hind legs so that her head peaks over the edge of the seat.  Once our eyes meet, she goes back down and hens up on the floor.  Tigger is a bunny who wants to be petted by invitation.  It is an invite we gladly accept.  She has the softest baby fine fur that is so incredible to touch and stroke.  When she settles down and starts to tooth purr, awwww! 

Shadow doesn’t give special invitations, he is ready to be petted whenever your hand touches his head.  He also seems to have petting radar and comes running anytime that Tigger is being petted.  He just can’t get enough of having his head petted.  If you stray off his head, you will be reminded by his head butting your hand to stay focused.
Petting a rabbit becomes addictive.  Their fur is so wonderful to touch and having them stretch out and start to purr and become putty under your hands provides a special bond.
So it is no wonder to me to hear that some rabbits have become Fur Therapists and visit hospitals or senior centers.  Both rabbits and humans benefit from the loving touch of stroking the bunny.  However, my two would never be candidates for professional therapy bunnies.  They are way too crazy active even at ten years old. 
I worked for an assisted living center once several years ago that had cats and dogs visiting and someone suggested I should bring my rabbits.   Well that would have been like creating a bunny version of the Mississippi Squirrel Revival  as sung by Ray Stevens. 
We will just keep the fur therapy private between us and the two rabbits here on their  home turf.  It is a real joy to take regular bunny breaks, taking time out of the day to pet the rabbits, everybunny wins!

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