Dust Bunny Concerns

Dust Bunnies in the Rabbittude Etsy Shop

The Dust Bunnies are on alert in the Rabbittude Etsy Shop

Our dust bunnies have been sneaking out of their hiding places and reading recent posts about the Simplify Your Life Week due to start on Monday. They are deeply concerned that this is going to spur a move to serious cleaning, putting their very existence at risk.

They have gathered support and moved themselves up to the featured area on the Rabbittude Etsy shop in preparation for a major protest against any movement towards a clean sweep.  We think the existence of the majority of the dust bunnies here is due to Tigger and Shadow. We fixed them so they couldn’t reproduce real rabbits.  They have been showing us ever since that time that they still have a means to multiply and bring lots of little dust bunnies into our world.

Anytime I seek to sweep dust bunnies away, our dust bunny creators will interfere. I have started to picture all the little dust bunnies rising up in protest against me. I picture myself tied up someday in a fuzzy version of Gulliver’s Travels.

So I hope the dust bunnies will remain calm and reasoned this coming week.  I will be talking about ways to keep things simple with rabbits in the house, but don’t have any major cleaning initiatives planned for them.