Adventures with a Shadow Man

Shadow hiding in plain sightWhen we first brought Shadow home, we were thinking of calling him Ebony because of his beautiful black velvet coat. That is until I spent just one day with him and was losing him constantly. He was like a flitting shadow. It was a game to him to disappear at will.

Shadow likes to hide in plain site. If there is a dark piece of furniture he will sit in front of it and disappear. If there is a shadowed corner of the room, he will rest there. He loves to hop on the dining room chairs and sleep on the seats. I have to practically bend over standing on my head to see him there. When we moved into a new home the previous owners left a black rug in the dining room. One night I walked into the dimly lit room and all of a sudden part of the rug in front of me moved. He loves to lurk behind furniture just barely peeking around the edge and sometimes it is only his shadow on the wall behind him that gives his location away.

More of Shadow hiding in plain sightOur little rabbit man is a creature of the dark and sometimes it is only a flicker of movement that will give his location away. At times it is his sheer stillness that will have me sensing rather than seeing where he is sitting. While I am working in our home office I will sometimes hear a plop in the office chair behind me and will turn around to barely see a black rabbit sitting in a black leather office chair.

His undercover nature finally got him into trouble. I am always checking rooms before I leave and close the door to be sure he hasn’t snuck in without my knowledge. One day I left our home office and forgot to check. Twenty minutes later there was a loud chewing and scratching noise coming from upstairs. I went into the hallway to find it empty and silent. As I looked at the closed office door, it occurred to me that I had locked the little boy in there. I pushed the door open slowly until I felt it stop and left it open. Shadow popped into the opening with a very grumpy look on his little rabbit face. I don’t feel too guilty because it took the guy twenty minutes of exploring the office and chewing a few cords before he decided he had had enough adventure and wanted out. We now refer to the incident as Shadow’s Big Adventure.