Follow Friday – Disapproving Rabbits

Click on image to go to blog.

Okay, so if you are familiar with rabbits at all, you know those cute little faces wear a perpetual frown.  The blog, Disapproving Rabbits has capitalized on that characteristic in a really cute and very funny way. 

On the current home page, I particularly like Chubby, Miss Willis, Logan and Tokki.  Going back a page to older posts, Toby, CC  and Diesel have me chuckling, but Buddy and Charlotte really tickled my funny bone.

Now, if I don’t get back to the kitchen and feed my two again, there just may be a couple more disapproving rabbit faces and stories to tell.

Our Carrot Patch

Shadow on Dining Room RugSo how did we come to have a carrot colored rug in our dining room? When we first bought our home, the previous owners left behind their room sized rug.  It was solid black with a border in black and cream.

We had two problems with that rug.  The first became obvious the night I walked into the dining room when the dimmer switch for the light was set on low.   Part of the rug ahead of me moved, freaking me out.  Black rabbit + black rug = bad idea.  Shadow was going to get stepped on if we didn’t do something.  The second problem was that the bunnies liked it way too much and carpet isn’t good for rabbit digestive systems.

When we were investigating a replacement, our vet suggested getting a jute rug.  She said that the natural fiber would be better for  rabbit systems if they decided they just had to have some.  So I hit the internet looking for room sized and reasonable.  I wanted to find a jute rug that was reversible, meaning no latex backing.  We didn’t need to worry about the rug slipping, since there would be an oak dining room table and six chairs keeping it where it belonged.  We wanted to be sure it was jute through and through so that it could be flipped for double the wear.

I found an online store that had the rugs for a reasonable price, but the colors were mostly icky muddy, unappealing shades and one bright color, carrot orange.  I think the catalog actually called it burnt orange, but then a catalog called our office paint color desert sunset.  That really is pumpkin and we need to repaint sometime.  Paint doesn’t always darken as it dries. 

So what else would I buy for a rabbit friendly rug?  Of course it had to be the carrot orange.  This is actually the second carrot orange jute rug to fill the dining room space.  Our dearly departed Portia bunny chewed huge holes in the first one while she occupied the first floor all by herself.

Tigger and Shadow are enjoying hanging out on their carrot patch.  They love the sunshine that floods in the bay window during the afternoons.

Dust Bunny Watch

Dust Bunnies Unite

Click image to see our dust bunny shirts

Tonight we are on alert for the possibility of a dust bunny uprising.  I cleared out the master bedroom today in a delayed spring cleaning.  Shhh, there are now less dust bunnies here …

I am hoping that the dust bunny colonies in other parts of the house did not get wind of the activity.  It is always amazing how quickly the dust bunnies grow and multiply when there are real rabbits in the house.  When I start to clean hard floors, you can see the dust bunnies scurrying away across the smooth open stretches trying to make it into the corners to hide.

 Hopefully I won’t be attacked in my sleep and will be back to blog again tomorrow.

Plan Ahead for International Rabbit Day

Bunny hugging earth
I didn’t know that anyone had designated a day for rabbits until someone sent me a link.  It is set for the Fourth Saturday in September which would be the 24th this year. 

Here is one suggestion for the day:  “Celebrate this special day with your pet rabbit. Learn a little more about him and how to properly care for his needs. If you don’t have a pet, maybe today is the day to get a pet rabbit! ” 

Click here to go to Holiday Insights for more information on the meaning and origin International Rabbit Day.

Newest Rabbit Photos

Click image for Shy Bunny Lanyard

Rabbit lanyard

Click image for Floral Rabbit Lanyard

Everyone knows that it is hard to get good pictures of kids and pets because they just won’t sit still.So you would think product photography of little bunny rabbit items would be a snap. Well they don’t sit so still either.

I was trying yesterday and today to retake the photos for one item and get images taken of a new item.Both items are cell phone / zipper pull / key chain charms, so they are designed to hang. Getting a sitting portrait of an item that isn’t meant to sit can be a challenge. Finally after lots of coaxing with them, success!

I just love these little Asian porcelain rabbit beads, the one looks so shy and bashful and the other looks like a rabbit that is taking charge and hopping away leash and all!  The glass bellflower beads were so lovely, I bought a variety of colors to work with on projects.  I love the garden feel they give to these lanyards.  The lanyards are nylon cord with iridescent threads woven throughout, so there is also a soft sparkle with these.

Making these was a joy.  All the elements have beautiful colors and textures. I love the bunny rabbit in the garden feel of them and the feminine look.  I had a friend stop over after I made the first one with the reds and corals.  She bought one right away.  So that was a nice compliment for me that the lanyard charm had the “charm” I wanted.

Following Up On Follow Friday – Vet Visits

Tigger GhostHaving read through BunnyHugga’s guides on How to Train Humans, I swear that our Miss Tigger was the ghost writer for the one on Vet VisitsOne of the first suggestions, one rabbit to another, is to make as much mess as possible.  This had been Tigger’s hugely successful MO. 

In the carrier on the way to the vet, she lets loose with absolutely everything she’s got.  We always arrive at the vet with the wettest, stinkiest, messiest rabbit you could possibly imagine.  If they didn’t know us well, they would think we weren’t keeping her clean at all.  We have started to travel with the carrier bottom filled with litter, multiple towels and at least part of a roll of paper towels.  We know once we get to the vet, there is going to be a huge clean up needed to make Tigger even remotely touchable.  I would like to say that I am able to accomplish this clean up without any transfer of substances or smell.  However, Tigger makes sure that I get a good sample of everything.  Its guaranteed that by the time we reach home between my clothing and the bunny towels I take, there is going to be a washer load needing to be done.

The second thing suggested for rabbits is to let loose on fur, so much so that everyone thinks an Angora rabbit is in the room.  We have never been able to figure out how Tigger manages to open up all her fur follicles, but she does.  There will be fluffy floating clouds of fur in the room by the end of any vet visit and everyone is has a runny nose and is coughing and sneezing whether they have allergies or not.

Then there’s the aftermath, where the rabbit must observe a grievance period against humans. Tigger always comes out of her carrier and thumps, does that little head toss with the look and then turns around and does the flicky feet thing as she hops off with that aggrieved hare air. It takes awhile before she forgives us and we are allowed to approach HRH Tigger again.

There are a couple of things unique to Tigger’s vet visits that weren’t in the article.  So if she ghost wrote it, she held a few things back for her use only.  On one visit while we were waiting, after I cleaned her up, I gave her the cardboard roll from the now used abused and discarded paper towels.  I thought she would play with it or chew it and keep herself occupied.  She definitely kept herself busy.  She retreated to the back corner of her carrier and used the towel roll like a baseball bat to blast the sides of the carrier.  Thwack, thwack, thwack was repeated on and off the whole time we were waiting.  We were in an exam room at the end of a hall with the door closed, but she was making so much noise, the vet techs kept coming in every five minutes or so to check that we were okay.  Yeah, no problem, just a Tigger tantrum going on.  Thank goodness she isn’t a biter!

The other thing Tigger does is a huge guilt trip before we even get home.  Tigger hates to be picked up and held.  So at the vet, I would always get her out of the carrier, put her on the scale for the techs to weigh her and then try to put her back in the carrier until the vet would come in.  Tigger fastens herself to my shirt and makes it quite clear that I am not to put her down.  One time, I didn’t pick her back up fast enough and she leapt up into my arms.  Now I don’t flatter myself on this, she has clearly decided that I am the lesser of two evils.  However, it is a huge guilt trip having those big brown eyes looking at me as paws and claws cling.  Putting her down for the vet makes me feel like a hard-hearted beast of a human.

Good luck fellow humans.  House rabbits think it’s a bunny world, and we just live in it!

Follow Friday – How to Train a Human: A Guide for House Rabbits

Bunny HuggaWell, I expected to be back much sooner today, but nothing has gone as planned.  So I will stick with something amusing to follow.

I could really use an end of day laugh.  How about you?  So BunnyHugga has this great guide – How to Train a Human: A Guide for House Rabbits

Then if you dare you can continue on to see what your rabbits have been up to in the other training areas:

Too funny!

Was It Something I Said?

Question marksCall me confused, but I found out earlier that my blog has been blocked by a group.  It appears it happened about the time I posted a cartoon this morning.  Perhaps I should not have admitted that we actually have some regularly occurring greenhouse gases here from time to time.  Or maybe the cartoon of the greenhouse gas producer in the act was too much. 

It is also possible that having a blog that talks about bunnies and is tagged with keywords bunny, bunnies, rabbit and attitude have caught up.  After all, everything that talks about those keywords must be rated XXX, right?  I really must resist the urge I have to do a photo with the stuffed rabbit Peeps that I have.  I can only imagine what trouble that show would cause. 

So, I am scratching my head here.  I guess I don’t ever want to write about some of the things that Tigger and Shadow choose to do.  Fixing bunnies only stops rabbit reproduction.  All I intend to say on that is if you have bunnies and children, do expect at times to hear the following question, “Mommy what are the bunnies doing?”  Looking to see what they are doing and finding a kid friendly explanation could at times be a challenge.

Roaming Rabbits

Tigger & Shadow on the hop

Tigger & Shadow on the hop

Its morning and I just let the rabbits out and now have the pitter patter of roaming rabbit paws around the house. They are here and there, up and down, chewing this, checking that. Oops! I left open the door to one bathroom and there they are ready to zoom in …

Be back later today …

Photo – Bunny in the Garden


This is where I would like to be right now, in a beautiful garden. Instead, I am waiting on software to download to try to fix a problem with Internet Explorer … and waiting … and downloading … and waiting … looking at the pretty garden and topiary bunny … and waiting … and still downloading …

See you tomorrow.

Ending Simplify Your Life Week – Bunny Plates and Bowls

Cage water and food bowl

Tigger with plastic water and food bowl hooked to cage wall

Tigger with plate of parsley

Tigger with her plate of parsley

One thing that happened due to an accident, turned out to be a lot simpler for us long run. Tigger has always gnawed on her cage bars, even when the door was open and she was on the outside. One time as a baby, something spooked her and she pulled back without her teeth being free of the bars and injured her teeth and mouth. She lost the ability to use a water bottle with that injury. We switched her over to a heavy plastic water bowl that screwed on to the cage bars.

After we got Tigger and Shadow together, he started using the bowl instead of his bottle and we just switched him over too. We also found plastic bowls that hook over the cage bars for a small amount of pellets. We discovered how much easier it is to clean the bowls compared to the water bottles. You can just pop them in the dishwasher along with everything else. We have two sets of water bowls and food bowls, one set is in the cages while the other is either in a cabinet ready to use or in the dishwasher being cleaned.

When Tigger and Shadow are out for run time, we put down plastic plates for them of various greens. The plastic plates are inexpensive outdoor picnic style plates which due to Georgia’s warm climate are available in stores year round here: discount, food store, pretty much everywhere. These plates can also be put in the dishwasher.  We have a set for them of about a half-dozen plates. Tigger likes to toss the plates if they are empty or the greens aren’t to her liking which gives a new bunny rabbit meaning to the term tossed salad.