Sprucing up here …

So many more rabbit stories yet to tell. It has been a challenging start to the year Continue reading

Story Time

Once Upon a Time … Under a Full Bunny Moon …

Full Bunny Moon

Courtesy of Leo the Lionhead

There is always something to learn with each new rabbit. With Leo it was experiencing this full bunny moon. I did not realize until this shot that there was an angle for him that was nothing but solid white fur. Then the next realization was that a solid white bunny butt was giving me the very first feeling of truly and memorably being mooned by a rabbit.

Oh and that image on the home page with the snowy white cloud look is actually up close and personal with Leo’s tail.

LOL … more fun to come …

When Life Gives You Bunny Poop … Go With the Flow …

The Land of Bunny Poo

The Land of Bunny Poo – Fine Art Photograph

A question before the start of the story – Can you actually use the terms semi-precious stones, jade, snowflake jasper, wood hearts, wire wrapped silver and gold, porcelain bowls, beach stones, scrapbook paper, bunny poop, and fine art photography all together and be describing the same thing?  No trick question here, the answer is in the photo. Yes!

So, how did this photo of the Land of Bunny Poo come into being?  Well I have been a busy bunny over the past few weeks creating beaded jewelry and gifts to sell in our Etsy shop, Buntique, to take advantage of the gift buying season and to clear away some of the hoard (horde? – never sure of that spelling) of bunny beads that we have here.  I swear they must be reproducing without my knowledge or approval in their storage drawers.

Anyway, back to the main story of making and listing quite a number of things on Etsy.  Continue reading

Bunnies in the Berry Patch

Bunnies in the Berry Patch Necklace and Earring SetMostly when I have created jewelry and beaded accessories, I have created small things. Between all the hats of full-time and part-time work and caring for home and rabbits, small amounts of time to create things was what was available. I created this statement necklace and earring set last week. The design has been in my mind for a year now. Most of the materials for it have been here that long too. It was missing two things to make it a reality, time to really work on putting it together was a big factor. The final thing though was ordering some rings and a toggle clasp this fall that had a twist design. That was the last element needed to add to this design all the color and texture that I wanted it to have.

Even though we love having house rabbits, we also love our outdoor rabbits who hop all around our yard. They even come right up under our bay window bringing their babies with them to eat the tasty things amongst the grass. We have some wild strawberries that have grown threaded in through the grass by the back of the house.

Creating these pieces was a labor of love and exploration.  I wanted to spend more time creating a really wonderful rabbit statement necklace and earrings set. It makes me think of those outdoor rabbits finding and hopping into a winter berry patch loaded with goodies.  I wanted to share pictures of these here, because I love how beautifully the necklace and earrings came out.  I have wanted for some time to create a lovely rabbit statement piece or set.  I am always imagining rabbits getting in to all sorts of things and places.  I have a number of rabbit jewelry pieces I wear.  I love the idea of secretly sneaking rabbits in to places by carrying or wearing them with me as I travel around.

These two pieces contain materials I love working with: Sterling Silver, Swarovski Crystal beads and Czech glass beads. They also have the themes I love of rabbits, nature, flowers and leaves and rich colors. I loved how the garnet reds, olive greens, golden topaz and silver look together.

The sun is out here in Georgia on this day in the United States dedicated to giving thanks. I am thankful for wonderful things in my life. I have my loving supportive husband Blaine. We will be celebrating our 22nd anniversary this weekend. There was a wonderful decade of fun with our two rabbits Tigger and Shadow and just so many memories of them to treasure always. There is a new time now to get to know our sweet Leo the Lionhead rabbit and find out all his stories and be able to share those with others. I am thankful to have gifts to be able to share in helping others with bunny stories, web design and hosting and creative gifts with art and jeweled items.

I am my grandmother’s granddaughter. Mom says every picture of her mother she saw, grandmother was always the one wearing that extra little noticeable thing like another bow or piece of jewelry more than her sisters. I think grandmother and I both loved giving things including ourselves those extra special finishing touches, that cherry on the top feeling.

Have a lovely day today wherever in the world you are.  Give your loved ones hugs and pet those bunnies too to let them know they are appreciated and loved.

~ Rebecca Pullin

Whats Up With Rabbittude …

I have been MIA here for a while and it has been a combination of things.  The fall allergy season is a tricky one for me and sometimes leaves me drained and down or dealing with sleeplessness due to sinus pressure.  Next year, I need to get blog posts written ahead to make things easier on myself to keep on track.  However, this year was more than just seasonal allergies.  The end of the allergy season coincided with the six month anniversary of losing Tigger and Shadow.  That hit a bit harder than expected, especially so since one of our early friends we met after getting Tigger and Shadow was Jean and her bunny Acorn.  Acorn was also eleven years old and in failing health this past year.  I am sad to say that he too is now gone.  So I will get back to writing some stories soon and include a tribute to Acorn in that.

Leo has been keeping me company in the office on a daily basis and we are growing to know each other better.  He is a close to the vest bunny rabbit, not letting all his likes and dislikes and personality all hang out.  It will be an uncovering of the layers of Leo over time.  One thing though is quite clear, he is a sweetie and that makes it hard to understand how someone else could have given him up.

To keep my hands busy and still some sad thoughts for a time while still showing my love of rabbits, I have been doing a lot of creating with my hoard of bunny beads over this past couple months. Most of those items have been listed in our Etsy Buntique shop if you are looking for something rabbit themed for yourself or another rabbit lover. The showcase here has just a few of the items available.  We have a special going on starting tomorrow through next Monday, free US shipping and reduced shipping prices to locations outside the US.

I will start to write bunny stories again during this next week, now that things are getting back to normal again and I am catching up to schedule again.

Where’s Leo?

Where is little Leo?Okay, so this isn’t the planned topic.  Blame it on Leo who threw my game plan off today by displaying some of his personal flavor of rabbittude.  You can see in the picture we have created a really roomy exercise pen for him with some wire cube kits and cable ties.

The pen is just under 4 feet by 5 feet in size.  There is plenty of room for a willow tunnel, food and water bowls, straw mats, toys, his favorite blanky, his corner litter box in the far corner of this picture and he still has lots of run around room.  So where is Leo?  Leo was running around the office, in and out of his exercise pen and burrowing under the sheet that we have draped along the one side that is between his exercise pen and a file cabinet.  We have a piece of cardboard on the floor under that drapped sheet for him to chew on and dig at.  I heard him for quite some time digging at things inside and outside of his exercise pen.

Then the sound changed somewhat and I knew I needed to find out what Leo was up to.  No Leo in his pen, no Leo under the sheet.  I am hearing him in the area of the pen, but no Leo anywhere in sight.  Now sometimes Leo disappears by burrowing underneath his blanky, but not this time.  I am hearing him digging and chewing at something right in the area of his pen and cannot see him anywhere at all.

Then it slowly dawned on me that in spite of what we had tried to do to block of his access to wiggle behind the pen that is exactly where he had managed to go.  Leo was now in the far corner behind his pen, behind his corner little box.  So I could hear him, but not see him.  He is small enough that he hadn’t even really pushed the pen that much out from the wall with his wiggling in.  We had a bit of a disagreement about his coming back out.  I got that rabbit look more than once as he would start towards me and then back up again.  I guess he realized I was serious about coming after him, so he grudgingly came back out on his own.  Once I got him out, he was trying to wiggle back into the space he had created the whole time I was trying to find a way to truly block it off this time.

So I am trying to rig a fix and while I am doing it, I am pulling Leo out, trying again, pulling Leo out again.  I was working to fix another little wall with cable ties that would extend from the pen and insert behind the file cabinet so he would not have a way to be able to wiggle behind the pen again.  I think I had to pull him back out and shoo him away at least six times before I was successful in hooking up that new wall.  At least I think I was successful.  It is amazing what a rabbit can do and where they can go if they are motivated enough.

Sometimes I think Leo is a quieter less active rabbit than Tigger and Shadow.   It still may be way too soon to know that for sure though.  We don’t know what he was used to or able to do in his previous home.  We don’t know how he was treated.  So we don’t know how comfortable or confident he felt in the past to really show his true bunny personality.  It is quite possible that little Leo might be getting ready to provide some real challenges if he is now beginning to feel comfy and secure enough here to let loose with some rabbittude Leo style.

I promise no Leo delays will prevent more of the story Friday on living with multiple rabbit encampments …

An Adorable Rabbit Video

Google translator is telling me the title might be In Amefaji baby care?  In case the video doesn’t work here is the link to it: http://youtu.be/lwM92P8aT64

I apologize for not posting last week, allergies got the best of me.  The fall season has always been a rough one for me. Between congestion, dizziness, sleep issues and antihistamine brain fog, sometimes it is hard to keep on track.  I spent a lot of time walking into rooms last week only to realize when I got there that I had already forgotten why I was going there.  I’ve made note on my calendar for next year to write some September blogging posts in August, just in case.

To get back on schedule, coming Wednesday … living with multiple rabbit encampments …


Happy Hop, It’s International Rabbit Day

SerenityThe Etsy Rabbits team has been hard at work today spreading the joy of International Rabbit Day by creating treasuries.  It is a lovely way to let people know about team shops who are rabbit lovers and many are involved in or support rabbit rescue work.  We have a dozen new treasuries from the last 24 hours posted on the International Rabbit Day 2012 events page.  There are so many beautiful things you can check out if you are looking for gifts for others or wanting to create your own wish list!

I hope everyone has been taking some time today to enjoy their own house rabbits or help others learn about what wonderful companions they make.  Last year was the first year we had heard about International Rabbit Day.  We spent that weekend a little more focused on enjoying Tigger and Shadow which was good since it turned out to be the last time we would have them with us to celebrate the day.  This year we are celebrating having little Leo for the first time and having the opportunity to get to know him better with hopefully many years of celebrations ahead of us.

Coming next week, more stories about living in a home divided into multiple rabbit encampments …

Portia Meets Shadow & Tigger

Portia is homeWe brought Portia home on a trial basis to meet Tigger and Shadow to see if three bunnies would get along better than two. The plan was to keep Tigger and Shadow on the living room floor while putting Portia on the kitchen / dining room floor and allowing her a brief time to settle in. Then we were going to arrange some introductions in a neutral area and see if the rabbits might like each other.

We should have realized that as with everything else with Tigger and Shadow, things would not go as planned. They decided to introduce themselves. Shadow managed to squeeze around the gate we had blocking the stairway from the living room to the kitchen and ran down the stairs with Blaine in hot pursuit. Unfortunately for Shadow, he was both very speedy and very friendly.  He raced right up to the x-pen enclosure we had Portia in and stood there with his face right up to the space in the bars. Knowing Shadow, I am sure he was thinking and saying in rabbit speak, “Hi, I’m Shadow. Who are you?” Portia’s response was to race at him full speed and nip his nose through the x-pen bars.

Blaine caught up with Shadow as he yelped and then dived under the dining room table to hide. That is the point I arrived on the scene to find two very agitated males, one hiding under the table and the other yelling, “She bit my boy! She is out of here!” I went under the table after Shadow and scooped him up to get a good look at the injury. He had a small paper cut like slice on his nose that had a couple tiny beads of blood. Next, we called the vet and found out how to clean it and what to watch out for while it was healing.

Then while Blaine comforted Shadow, I made a call to Portia’s foster family to see about making arrangements to take her back to them. They were heading out-of-town on a week-long vacation and asked if we would keep her for that time.  So I made arrangements to be in touch once they were back.  It was our intention to keep the rabbits separated from each other during that time.

However during that week, Tigger was determined to meet this intruder for herself.  Who knows what Shadow might have conveyed in rabbit speak after his meeting.  She wiggled around the barrier and flew down the stairs, this time with me in hot pursuit. However, Tigger was a very different bunny from Shadow. She was always on guard. So when she saw Portia in her x-pen, Tigger kept her distance.  Instead, she was slinking around the perimeter acting very much like a small tiger on the prowl gauging the enemy.  Before either rabbit could decide to make a move, I caught up to Tigger and chased her under the dining room table. Then I caught her and took her back upstairs.

After that for the remaining time we expected to have Portia, we reinforced our barriers to a double gate system.  We had one gate at the top of the stairs and another at the bottom of the stairs so that if Tigger or Shadow got around one, we could still catch them before they could try to get around the other.  Fortunately for us, Portia had absolutely no interest in trying to escape her area.

So, it looked like everything was set and determined. After the foster family returned from vacation in a week, Portia would be going back and looking again for another furever home. During that week of reprieve, Portia took her fate into her own little paws and started to really reach out to Blaine. Dare I call it sucking up big time? In one week she bonded herself to him in every way she could. In doing so she melted his heart, he forgave her biting Shadow and Portia found herself a permanent home. When the foster family came back to town, I called to tell them that we were making the arrangements to adopt Portia.

It was clear though in just the brief rabbit to rabbit interactions though that we were not looking at any likely three-way bonding anytime in the future.  As we came to know Portia a bit more, it became clear she had trust issues and had probably been treated badly by either humans or other animals. If you approached from her rear unawares, she would whip around and rear up, batting her front paws and trying to bite.  Because of this, we recognized that the decision to keep her meant we would need to keep the rabbits completely separate.

By falling in love with all three rabbits and wanting to give each of them the best home we could, we were now entering a really complicated phase.  Tigger and Shadow would have the living room floor of the house.  However, they were still not speaking to each other since the falling apart of their bond when Shadow became so ill with his lengthy inner ear infections.  So they had side by side cages, but separate run times.  Now we had added Portia in to have the kitchen / dining room floor.  In order to keep rabbit order and well-being, we had to continue to have gates at the top and bottom of the stairs to keep Shadow and Tigger from being able to meet up with Portia.

Next week … living with multiple rabbit encampments …